We are people with diverse experiences and complementary expertise, who form a consultancy with a broad vision, integrated knowledge and unique results.
It motivates us to see an organization’s people develop, as well as companies and projects.
I like to cultivate this view of the human being as a purpose.
It is this perspective that
guides our interaction with customers, our listening,
our words and all the tools
we use throughout
our work.
A partner at Prowa, Alexandre works in planning and strategy, organizational development, management and business design.
He manages projects in partnership with leading consultancies, and has worked as a consultant at Advisia OC&C Strategy Consultants in the creation of strategic plans, operational improvement and projects to support decision-making of the boards of directors of large companies.
He has experience in valuing the impacts of CSR initiatives (e.g. utilities operator), and in the design and evaluation of impact business models for social investors. He worked with the Executive Board of the Social Finance Task Force in the construction and writing of its 15 recommendations for the field, in addition to conducting research on accelerators and impact incubators.
His work across different sectors (from metallurgy to payment methods), with different businesses (from multinationals to startups, foundations and impact businesses) allows the constant union and development of diverse knowledge, from operations and tools to innovation and human relations.
Alexandre also serves as a Professional and Executive coach and is a professor of Creative Leadership for FIAP's Business Innovation MBA.
He graduated in Engineering at Unicamp, holds an MBA in Management and Product Engineering from Poli-USP, and is an Associate Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation and Integral Coaching Canada.
Alexandre Trevelin
Sometimes the lack of information and repertoire and the loneliness experienced when making a
decision prevent businesses,
causes and projects from
moving forward. And I like
being on the move!
I realized throughout my
career that making
sustainability happen was
something that was made
much easier with the kind of attentive support that
we offer to customers
today. I have chosen to
connect knowledge
to support leaders in
taking their next
steps with
pragmatism and
security, without
ever giving up on
their dreams.
A founding partner of Prowa, Thais supports influential organisations in Brazil and around the world to generate solutions in strategic sustainability, social investment and impact business.
She has worked as Sustainable Development Coordinator at Banco ABN AMRO Real and Sustainability Consultant at Alcoa Latin America & the Caribbean, facilitating strategy and projects in corporate responsibility and local development, such as the `Sustainable Juruti’ Project, for eight years.
Since 2011 she has supported companies and investors such as Amata, Danone, Biosev, Itaú, Loggi and Norsk Hydro in the definition of socioenvironmental impact strategies.
Since 2013 she has been supporting the Brazilian Social Finance Task Force in developing strategies for the field in Brazil, international mapping of impact ecosystems and intelligence on impact networks.
Throughout 2017 she was a knowledge management consultant for FIIMP - Foundations and Institutes for Impact - a group composed of 22 of the largest Brazilian philanthropic organizations, focused on collectively supporting impact businesses.
Thais graduated in Manufacturing Engineering at the Escola Politécnica of USP and holds a specialization in Group Dynamics from the Brazilian Society of Group Dynamics and a postgraduate degree in Social and Environmental Business Management from Ceats - FIAUSP, IPE, Artemisia.